A stander for all positions
In addition to the inclination adjustment (to reach prone or supine or vertical position), it provides support to the upper body, pelvis, knees and ankles, you can arrange indipendent adjustment of the foot supports heigh, to assist impairments or distribute asymmetrically the load on the lower limbs. Foot supports can be adjusted in intra-extra rotation, plantar flexion and dorsal flexion. To support any muscle retraction, you can adjust the flexion angle of the knees.
Available in 3 sizes and complete with accessories
In standard configuration it’s equipped with supports and accessories for correct positioning. Comfortable padding, easyly washable belts and harnesses.
Size 1: for users from 65 to 90 cm height;
Size 2: users from 90 to 125 cm height;
Size 3: Users from 120 to 147 cm height.
Telescopic base
Wave has a single telescopic base that can grow easily. This allows switching from size 1 to size 2 by replacing only the central aluminum column.